
BOOstinG Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities



  • D1.1 Project-Management Handbook
  • D1.4 Quality-Control and Monitoring Work Plan
  • D1.2 Data Management Plan
  • D1.3 Consortium Agreement and Project Working plan 2nd phase
  • D2.1 Dissemination Plan
  • D2.2 Digital Platform selection
  • D3.1 Report on relevant local hubs competencies and thematic areas
  • D4.1 Strengthening Quadruple Helix Collaborations
  • D5.1 Workshop establishing internal Community of Practice
  • D6.1 Landscape of start-ups and scale-ups support services at the 6 HEIs
  • D7.1 Report on analysis on surveys/focus groups to identify current learning and teaching assessment practices
  • D8.1 State of the Art and Good practices in the consortium&
  • D8.3 Executive training programs
  • D8.2 On-Line Basic Training Course Guidelines Version 1

D1.1 Project-Management Handbook

D1.4 Quality-Control and Monitoring Work Plan

Restricted dissemination
for EIT and EIT Digital internal use only

This document represents the Project Management Framework, Quality-Control and Monitoring Work Plan (PMFQCMWP) for the BOOstinG Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities (BOOGIE-U) project.It is the merge of two Deliverables, namely D1.1 “Project-Management Handbook” and D1.4 “Quality-Control and Monitoring Work Plan”.

Originally the two deliverables were planned as separate documents, but during their preparation it has become evident that Project Management Framework, Quality-Control and Monitoring Work Plan were strongly coupled and more effectively described in a single document with better clarity and without loss of information.

The aim of this deliverable is thus to establish the roles, procedures, and tools that will be used throughout the project and are necessary to ensure the project management and the related quality level of the project deliverables and the project outcomes and outputs.

This document is based and in agreement with the terms and conditions established in the EIT Digital 2021 Template Grant Agreement with UNITN and HIT under the EIT Digital Activity 21585 HEI Capacity Building Initiative, and related Task 21585-A2115 HEI IVAP Implementation, and related Subgrant Agreements for non EIT Digital partners, namely KTU, UAB,INSA, LiU and UiS.

This deliverable should be used by the Project Coordinator and all project partners in order to ensure the project management and related quality assurance during the whole project and to facilitate the detection and prevention of possible deviations from the work plan.

The use of the present guidelines will ensure better collaboration among the project partners and will also serve for the learning process where experience gathered is analysed and fed back into planning and an update implementation approaches of the project.

The document describes the project management framework and related quality review techniques, defines timelines for quality control and the responsibilities of the BOOGIE-U partners.

Current version of PMFQCMWP defines quality management considering currently known information. As phase 2 of the project is still being planned, and new activities may raise new quality management related questions, also as some questions are in consideration stage among consortium members, this document is treated as a living document and will be updated according to consortium needs and/or when relevant decisions are made.

D1.2 Data Management Plan

Restricted dissemination
for EIT and EIT Digital internal use only

In this Deliverable the Data Management within the BOOGIE-U project will be described. Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how the data will be handled during and after the project.

DMP ensures consortium-wide alignment around the project’s data management processes, provides guidelines for data management to all partners in the project, describes datasets within the BOOGIE-U project. DMP is living document, which will be updated according to the consortium needs during project implementation.

D1.3 Consortium Agreement and Project Working plan 2nd phase

Restricted dissemination
for EIT and EIT Digital internal use only

This report presents two main achievements of the BOOGIE-U projects in this first phase
1. The successful preparation and signing of the sub-grant agreements by all non KIC partners. The collection of all sub-grant agreements are included in a shared folder SUB GRANTs
2. The revision of the project working plan for the 2nd phase based on the experience of the first phase and on some optimization in the management of the activities that we would like to include. All KPIs, milestones, deliverable, and tasks present in the original proposal are still present in this revised plan.
We have:

  • aligned the deliverables and milestones to more sustainable reporting periods (end of June and end of December) for the remaining period. This also supports better the subdivision of the WPs in two main clusters; (i) WP3-WP4-WP5-WP6 and (ii) WP7-WP8 aligning all related deliverables and milestones
  • done some minor corrections in the responsible partners for a few deliverables to improve the balance of the work load between partner (no budget chanages) The revised GANNT is included to this deliverable as Annex 1

D2.1 Dissemination Plan

Restricted dissemination
for EIT and EIT Digital internal use only

This report “D2.1 Dissemination Plan”,  will serve as a working document that will be updated to reflect actions, research and analysis performed through the course of the project aligned with the various project milestones. Its main goal is to establish the basis for the development of a common communication & dissemination plan of the BOOGIE-U project, which is funded by EIT HEI Initiative through Activity 21585-A2115 “HEI IVAP Implementation” in EIT Digital Grant Agreement.

The plan is based on the objectives and target audiences of communication and dissemination as described in the proposal. This deliverable introduces the comprehensive guidelines for the communication activities along with their objectives, target audience, key messages, content and communication means, channels and material, jointly with a monitoring framework to be performed during the project lifetime. This is a living document and will be updated and adjusted as the project progresses.