

Graduated in Trento in Materials Engineering, mechanical sector, in 1999. Since 1999, for 15 years, I have worked at the Fiat Research Center as head of the Low Investment Technologies department.
I followed alternative fuel testing activities (biomethane, methane-hydrogen mixtures) on vehicle fleets (customers A22 and Dolomiti Energia), technological scouting and product benchmarking for Ferrari and Maserati.
Since 2013 I have been working at EnginSoft, based in Trento as a product manager. I am an Energy Certifier and I deal with digital transformation and issues related to Industry 4.0.
Since February 2020 I have been president of the Trento section of AIDIA (Italian association of women engineers and architects).
Since June 2022 I have been president of the Order of Engineers of Trento and of the Luigi Negrelli foundation.