

Linkedin JONĖ VITKAUSKAITĖ RAMANAUSKIENĖ PhD student and teaching assistant, Civil Society and Sustainability Research Group, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology. Jonė has experience working as an economic-social analysis consultant in various projects related to environmental … Continued


Linkedin MARTE C.W. SOLHEIM Professor MARTE C.W. SOLHEIM is Head of the Stavanger Centre for Innovation Research, UiS Business School, and a public speaker on diversity and innovation. In her research, Solheim combines insights from organizational theory, innovation studies and … Continued

Di Rosa

Linkedin SILVIA DI ROSA Graduated in Trento in Materials Engineering, mechanical sector, in 1999. Since 1999, for 15 years, I have worked at the Fiat Research Center as head of the Low Investment Technologies department.I followed alternative fuel testing activities … Continued

Del Valle

Linkedin ELISABET DEL VALLE Dra. Elisabet del Valle, PhD in Biotechnology and MBA in Biotechnology, has devoted her entire professional career to the management of innovation in public and private organizations. Beyond her duties as professor at UAB, she is … Continued